Word Mama
Research done by a pediatric otolaryngologist has shown the importance of talking to your baby, even when they are just a newborn.
Narrating a baby's day, conversing with them using rhetoric beginning when they are newborns, and showing interest by responding to the sounds they make will greatly benefit them with regard to their brain development and later life success probability!
Dana Suskind M.D. is leading the research on the cruciality of speaking and interacting with infants at the University of Chicago. Dr. Suskind recently released a book describing the fine details of her work in her new book, Thirty Million Words: Building a Child's Brain!
Suskind learned through her surgical and clinical experience that babies who reign from higher socioeconomic backgrounds are spoken to more frequently and are exposed to more complex words. The previously mentioned behavior of the more elite, interactive, and engaged parents really helps the baby develop his or her brain during a very crucial developmental time physiologically.
Suskind makes it easy for parents to understand how to improve their current familial situation using her methods. Dr. Suskind wants parents to first "tune in" to what your baby is looking or "cooing" at. Make yourself a functional and engaged baby translator. It's ok to have a conversation with you baby even if they do not yet know how to talk back!
The more you talk to them, the quicker they will learn to speak.
Second, get as many words to baby as possible and make those words complex and interesting. The more words the babies hear while they are infants, the better. Think of it like narrating your day to baby. It is always interesting to see which words the baby will remember!
Taking turns in conversation with your baby is also extremely important. Give baby a turn to speak and communicate with you. Remember that although technology is really great for learning, it is still so important to teach your baby face to face interaction. They will learn more from you then they ever would from an iPad or a television. Speaking to your baby will help them recognize facial cues and tonal fluctuations, which in turn will raise their emotional intelligence.
Siblings are are great helpers for talking to baby! Encourage older siblings and friends to speak to the baby.
For more information on this research click on the first photo..
Have a great weekend!
xo- Little Teether