6 Teething Facts All Parents Should Know
Teething times can be a real struggle for both parents and baby. We put together six facts to remember to help you navigate through the journey together.
FACT #1: Teeth can come anywhere from 3 months to 24 months in age. So if your little baby doesn't haven't any yet and you are wondering what is going on, don't worry they will arrive eventually.
FACT #2: Breast milk may help ease the pain. The properties in breastmilk can actually help your little one feel better. Also, you will notice you baby might want to nurse more since it is so soothing them to. If your baby is latched properly then no biting should be able to occur.
FACT #3: Massaging sore gums can help. Take your finger and just massage the area gentle.
FACT #4: You can give your baby oral over the counter pain relievers such as children's Tylenol or ibuprofen to help with pain.
FACT #5: Teeth usually come in pairs of twos. And can take 1 to 7 days to cut through the gum line.
FACT #6: Babies need to bite or chew to cut teeth. Having a teething toy or wearing a teething necklace will help your little one get through the teething process. Little Teether offers trendy fun teething toys and stylish teething necklaces. Shop our site to see our fun teething items.
Kelsey Glynn is a blogger and owner of Social Graces, a business to support others in their social media needs. She is a contributing blog writer for East Valley Moms Blog, a social media content creator, and an avid photo taker. You can catch her adventuring around AZ and living the mom life on Instagram.